Improve your customer knowledge

Consumer insights and testing

Thousands of consumers and childcare professionals for your panels

Have your products and concepts tested, at any time of commercialization

Surveys, testimonials, usage tests, quantitative studies...

The Bilbokid platform provides you with a panel of thousands of consumers, mothers, early childhood, education and health professionals with whom to test your concepts and products: concept and usage tests in the launch phase; quantitative studies and surveys for your marketing insights
parents, enseignants, pros petite enfance, santé

And get essential feedback to your marketing needs


What is a consumer insight ?

A consumer insight is a user experience feedback. It looks at the motivations, expectations and perceptions of each customer or influencer in relation to your product or concept.

How to collect your insights ?

Simply distribute your pre-created questionnaire on the medium of your choice (e.g. Google forms) to the recruited panellists to gather valuable information about your target market :
  • Appeal and affinity with your concept, Purchase intentions of your target consumers, Memorability: which concept has the most impact? Opinions of professionals (teachers, childcare professionals or health professionals)
The study can also take the form of a qualitative interview. In the context of a market study, they can be individual or in the form of a focus group in a physical meeting.
You create your campaign according to your segmentation criteria (profiles, age and gender of the children, professions, etc.). You share your brief, your objectives and define the number of profiles to recruit.
We broadcast your campaign to your core target group and you receive the profiles of the test candidates directly on your interface, according to the desired volume.
You send the promised samples or products to all your panellists. They then formalise their returns within 30 days (unless they have been given a deadline).

Segmentation criteria specific to the family market

A pre-qualified base on the family target

Bilbokid provides you with numerous segmentation criteria to compose your panels of testers as close as possible to your final target: household composition, children's age, parenting professions...
Social networks and statistics
Household composition
Age of children
Gender and name of children
Pregnant / Primiparous / Multiparous
Geo-location of home and occupation
Parenting professions and practice structures
Types of consumption and interests
Specificities (Homeschooling, Family Instruction, ...)
Private / public sector and education sections
Classroom blogs 
criteres de ciblage

How to use a consumer insight?

Publish the positive and significant results of your usage tests on all your communication media :

  • Add value to the results directly on the product sheets of your website. Notify these results on the packaging or merchandising of your product.
  • Present the results on your launch marketing materials (emailing, newsletters, advertising banners, etc.)
  • Use social networks to promote the most relevant results of your usability test (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter...).

When should a consumer insight campaign be conducted ?

To test a concept or a new offer prior to a launch
- To measure the viability and potential of your innovation
- To analyse the opinion and interest of your target audience
- To design potential solutions for the development of your products - and services - and their marketing.

To conduct a usability test with your target audience
- To collect concrete and interesting feedback on the product, which can then be used in your communication materials
- To reassure you about the effectiveness or apprehension of the product with authentic constructive feedback
- To identify potential developments or misuses of the product.
To conduct a competitive analysis
- To find out about the consumption habits of your target group and the key selection criteria for the product category 
- To have a better understanding of market, supply and customer expectations
- To understand what your target audience likes about the current and future offer.
To get constructive feedback from an educational or health expert
- To measure the pedagogical interest or added value of an educational product
- To publicly exploit on your communication media the opinion of people legitimate to express themselves on your subject.

More than 300 brands have already placed their trust in us

Promotion de gamme de jeux Djeco
Campagne nostalgie 50 ans Journal de mickey
Bayard boxs tests influenceurs
Duo influenceuse mère - fille Darjeeling
Evenement influenceur parc attraction famille
Mega influence puériculture Nuna
Tests produits mode enfant look Orchestra
Sensibilisation des enfants au recyclage
Création de contenu premium Enfance paris
Campagne livre bébé Cewe
Test siege auto bébé Nania
Campagne baby food aliments de l'enfance
Campagne faire part de naissance influence
Campagne 50 ans Janod
Campagne rentree-noel literrature jeunesse pocket
social media puériculture
Communauté instagram green Tidoo
Tests produits calmosine soins
Test siege auto bébé Migo
Campagne bébé Sophie la girafe
Opération de Noel Vtech
Lancement de marque Les Bidibules
Lancement marque marché francais jeux enfants
Campagne dotations produits Neobulle
Campagne enseignants Goula
Campagne Noël enfants Joustra
Campagne grand-parents pour la gazette Famileo
Le Lombard jeunesse
Influenceurs enseignants Poulpe fiction
Campagne lancement de marque couches Carryboo
test produits mayoparasol
Campagne rentrée scolaire Kickers
Tournage plateau nikelodeon
Instagram enseignants stabilo
Campagne rentree scolaire etiquettes
Hachette collections jeunesse
Lancement de produits alimentaires
Evenement influenceurs parc tourisme le Pal
Articles de blogs maman Canopea

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5 rue Baudin
34000 Montpellier

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+33(01) 86 86 31 86 

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