The Bilbokid platform allows you to boost the quantity and improve the quality of reviews posted on your product sheets, on your website or your partner marketplaces such as Amazon! Generate thorough and authentic reviews from parents who are perfectly placed in your target consumer group or from professionals in the childcare sector (early childhood, education or health) who are legitimate experts on your products.
Generate quality reviews on your website or marketplaces !
Reviews from parents and childcare professionals
Thousands of consumers and childcare professionals for your reviews
Do you tend to collect this type of feedback ?
Instead, opt for qualified and
and structured reviews !
Generate rich and authentic reviews
and boost your traffic and sales !
Consumer reviews, Amazon reviews, professional reviews...
You create your campaign according to your segmentation criteria (profiles, age and sex of the children, professions, etc.). You share your brief, your objectives and define the number of testers to recruit.
We broadcast your campaign to your core target group and you receive the profiles of the test candidates directly on your interface, according to the desired volume.
You send the promised products to all your panellists (or the vouchers allowing them to buy them). They formalise their returns within 15 days (unless they have been given a deadline) by leaving their written feedback on the page you have designated.
Source : Bilbokid Barometer - IDM Families
Segmentation criteria
specific to the family market
A pre-qualified base on the family target
Bilbokid provides you with numerous segmentation criteria to compose your panels of testers as close as possible to your final target: household composition, children's age, parenting professions...
Social networks and statistics
Household composition
Children's age
Gender and name of children
Pregnant / Primiparous / Multiparous
Geo-location of home and occupation
Parenting professions and practice structures
Types of consumption and interests
Specificities (Homeschooling, Family Instruction, ...)
Private / public sector and education sections
Classroom blogs
More than 300 brands in the sector
already trust us !
"I was very satisfied with this campaign which achieved results beyond my objectives. The performance of the recruitment, the follow-up supports put in place, the quality of the content...Everything was perfect."
Communication manager, Le Lombard
« Un grand merci pour cette nouvelle collaboration réussie. Nous sommes ravies de cette opération. La collection a eu beaucoup de succès en boutique et nous a permis de nous recruter de nouvelles clientes. »
Caroline Chaplais
Chef de projet communication et marketing opérationnel, Darjeeling
« Cette opération a fortement contribué à développer notre notoriété sur la cible enseignante cette année. Nous réitèrerons l’expérience en élargissant aux parents courant de l’année 2020. »
Maria Duprat
Responsable Marketing, Jumbodiset Group
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